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Sep 24, 2011

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Sep 12, 2011

The Jakarta Climate Reality Project

Tersebar di seluruh khatulistiwa di Asia Tenggara, Republik Indonesia adalah bangsa lebih dari 17.500 pulau dan 240 juta penduduk. Ibukota Indonesia, Jakarta, adalah kota ke-10 terbesar di dunia.

Bahkan dalam kondisi normal, Jakarta sering sekali banjir yang melumpuhkan baik dari sungai dan laut. Pada tahun 2007, hampir seperlima dari kota itu kebanjiran. Itu masalah yang ada - bersama dengan kenyataan bahwa hampir setengah dari Indonesia berada di bawah permukaan laut - membuat Jakarta salah satu kota yang paling rentan di dunia terhadap perubahan iklim. Tanpa tindakan perlindungan banjir, kenaikan permukaan air laut dapat membuat hingga 6 juta penduduk Indonesia merasakan banjir tahunan. Yang terburuk dari banjir akan terjadi di pulau Jawa, di mana Jakarta berada, bersama dengan Pulau Sumatera.

Pasokan makanan Indonesia juga terancam oleh perubahan iklim. Curah hujan tidak menentu, suhu naik dan kerusakan akibat badai mungkin akan mengurangi hasil panen padi, tanaman pangan Indonesia. Dan perubahan iklim adalah berita buruk bagi garis pantai dan perairan di seluruh Indonesia - saat ini rumah untuk beberapa keanekaragaman hayati terkaya di Bumi.

Jakarta, 15 September 2011 19.00 WIB


Charles Wiriawan dibesarkan di Jawa Barat dalam bayangan gunung berapi pasif tertinggi di provinsi ini, Gunung Cermai. Selama akhir 1990-an dia pindah ke Beijing, dan melihat efek dari lingkungan yang jauh lebih tercemar. Charles kembali ke Jakarta pada tahun 2006 dan memutuskan untuk membantu melindungi lingkungan dan mendidik masyarakat tentang perubahan iklim. Ia percaya bahwa itu adalah ekonomis dan tanggung jawab sosial untuk fokus pada pembangunan berkelanjutan, dan bahwa ini adalah cara terbaik bagi Indonesia untuk mempertahankan keindahan alamnya.

Sumber : http://climaterealityproject.org & www.youtube.com

Aug 24, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Coolest Tablet PC)

When we met with Samsung in late May, company representatives didn't seem entirely sure that the company would meet the rumored June 8th ship date here in the US, but lo and behold, it's done just that. The tablet's launching at noon today at the Best Buy in New York City's Union Square, and if you can't make it up to the Big Apple, it'll hit the rest of the nation on June 17th. But here's the real question: is it worth making an effort to snag it on either date? The Galaxy Tab 10.1, much like its Limited Edition sibling that we reviewed last month, is ever-so-slightly thinner than the iPad 2, a slate that most sane individuals (and competitors, for that matter) would confess is the market leader today.

Naturally, everyone and their sister is gunning for Apple in this space, and Honeycomb's the first mobile OS we've seen that has the potential to put any sort of damper on Cupertino's ongoing rave. By and large, the consumer version of the Tab 10.1 is the same as the device launched at Google I/O, but there's two key differences that we'll focus on here: the tamed design, and the thoroughly different OS version (v3.1 here versus v3.0 before). Head on past the break for an in-depth look into both of those, but be sure to first take a gander at our Limited Edition review to wrap your noodle around the basics.

Hardware and design
You're going to hear this a lot throughout the review, but every opinion we drew from using the Tab 10.1 Limited Edition applies here. Every. single. one. Why? The consumer model is is a spitting image of the LE variant, save for the motif on the rear; the one you'll pick up this month has a glossy white plastic rear, while the LE model had a glossy white plastic rear... with an Android army adorning it. Weight's the same, size is the same, build quality is the same. It's a tremendous thing to hold, and it truly oozes quality from corner to corner.

Outside of the color scheme on the rear, nothing is different this go 'round. We promise.

Performance and battery life
While the internals remain the same here as on the Limited Edition build (1GHz Tegra 2, 1280 x 800 resolution display, front- and rear-facing cameras), something's changed with Android 3.1. Google claimed that the newest build of Honeycomb would perform even faster than 3.0, and in practice, thingsdid seem to operate at a subtly brisker pace. Animations were a pinch quicker, and transitions were ever-so-slightly faster. Web browser performance was noticeably better, although we did see a few videos load up in a smaller window while the same video expanded out to fill the screen within Android 3.0.

But that said, we're having a difficult time aligning our real-world experience and our benchmarks. The Tab 10.1 Limited Edition (which shipped with an admittedly wonky version of Android 3.0) managed to hit an average of 1,970 within Quadrant benchmark -- a standard benching tool that was also used in ourG-Slate and Xoom review. You'd expect the streamlined Android 3.1 sibling to perform better, but alas, that wasn't at all the case. After running the same test five times on the Tab 10.1, we hit an average score of 1,540. The highest we saw was 1,546. That's off of a fresh reboot with nothing spinning in the background aside from the occasional widget update. It's as baffling to us as it likely is to you; we're guessing that Quadrant just reacts dramatically different to v3.1 than v3.0, and we're obviously eager to see if future Android 3.1 slates score lower across the board than the 3.0 devices that came before.

When we sat down to our video loop test, with WiFi on and display brightness at about 65 percent, we scored just under ten hours (again!). That's second only to the iPad 2, and by merely half an hour. Jack that brightness down a bit, and you could probably squeeze 11 hours out. The upside is that Android 3.1 doesn't seem to have a negative impact on battery life; the downside is that Android 3.1 doesn't seem to be any more power efficient than Android 3.0.

As for audio and video playback? It's what you'd expect; Music Beta streamed our cloud library sans issue over a home WiFi network, and the audio output is on par with every iDevice you've ever tested. It's not quite up there with Cowon or anything, but then again, neither is anything else in this field. Flash, DivX, MPEG4 and H.264 files all played back exceptionally well. Even 720p content seemed to cause no strain whatsoever on the system, though we'd still probably recommend transcoding any of those files you've got sitting around in esoteric containers. Again, this isn't a Cowon, so it ain't going to support everything you throw at it.


At long last, the primary differentiator between the Tab 10.1 LE and the far-less-limited Tab 10.1: 0.1.Android 3.1 brings along widgets that can be resized vertically and horizontally, access to the newfangled Movies section of the Android Market, improved overall performance and support for a host of USB accessories. Unfortunately, the Movies department is only open for Android 3.1 tablets with 3G radios, hence, our 16GB WiFi test unit still showed it as unavailable. That said, we've already tested that particular aspect with a Motorola Xoom, which can be seen here.

The performance improvements, however, are here. They're subtle, sure, but you won't find us kvetching about extra speed, regardless of how minor it is. Granted, we didn't have any real qualms with performance on the Tab 10.1 Limited Edition, but it's safe to say we've even fewer qualms here. Resizing widgets worked, and worked well, but it's mildly annoying that it only supports a smattering of 'em right now -- we're hoping to see more apps updated soon to take advantage, and when that happens, homepane tweakers will no doubt find these remarkably useful. It enables each pane to be full of useful, glanceable information -- a sizable calendar prevents you from having to load the app each time, for example.

Outside of that, the software's largely unchanged from where Honeycomb began. Those anticipating a significant overhaul will be sorely disappointed, but we're thrilled to say that Google's polished up an already excellent foundation. Unfortunately, the Android Market still isn't home to many tablet applications; Apple just announced at WWDC that the App Store is home to some 95,000 tablet programs. El Goog hasn't shared its numbers in this regard, but it doesn't take an awful lot of poking around to see that it's nowhere near. Honeycomb still has a lot to prove, and it's up to developers to prove it. For now, those looking for a wealth of options will have better luck wading through the App Store, but hopefully things will be drastically different as the year churns on.

We'd also like to point out a huge, huge issue with using the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in conjunction with OS X. For whatever reason, Android File Transfer still hasn't been updated to support this slate, which means that you cannot (easily) use your Mac to transfer files onto your device. We have to wonder what Google was thinking when it fundamentally changed how Macs could interface with Android; our Nexus One (Android 2.3) simply pops up as an external drive on the desktop of a MacBook Pro, while Honeycomb devices require a dedicated piece of software that may or may not work. Blech. We're hoping Google updates AFT in the hours ahead; otherwise, you can expect the forums to come alive as Mac owners struggle to make contact with the $500+ slate they just bit on.


No shocker here -- the 3MP rear camera on the Tab 10.1 impressed us just as much as the camera on the Tab 10.1 Limited Edition. We still aren't sold on using a slate to take photos, and we still aren't overly impressed with the image quality here. It's hard to knock something that most folks aren't going to take advantage of, though, so we'll just let the below sample shot gallery speak for itself.

The conclusion we came to after using the Tab 10.1 Limited Edition mimics the conclusion we've drawn here: this is the best Honeycomb tablet to date, and lucky for you, this one's available to purchase! Only time will tell if the Android Market will prove to be as well-stocked as the App Store, and if you're willing to wait, this here slate provides a world-class Gmail experience, better handling than the iPad 2 (in our humble opinion, anyway) and a higher resolution display.

The 16GB WiFi model will hit for $499 -- exactly in line with the iPad -- while the 32GB variant will demand $100 more (we're still awaiting word on 3G prices). If you're sold on Android, and you aren't too concerned with having an LTE radio in your tablet, there's really no need to look elsewhere. Of course, the impending release of iOS 5 makes it awfully hard to ignore just how good the iPad 2 will be this fall, but who's living in the future, right?

We'd still prefer Music Beta to be more more like iTunes in the Cloud, and we'd love 
a microSD slot, but we can't help but applaud Samsung for pushing Android tablets to a level they've never reached prior to now.

Adobe - Adobe Shockwave Player

Install Adobe Shockwave Player for your powerful multimedia playback. The Shockwave Player allows you to view interactive web content like games, business presentation, entertainment, and advertisements from your web browser.

The Shockwave Player display web content created with Adobe Director.

Jul 21, 2011

Teknologi LTE yang masih 'Long Time'

LTE ( long term evolution ) teknologi transfer data super cepat yang rencananya tersedia untuk mobile internet dalam satu atau dua tahun mendatang. Saat ini pengujian hampir selesai walaupun spesifikasi teknologi ini masih harus mengikuti standar dari persatuan proyek 3G pada akhir 2009.
Di Indonesia seperti telkomsel dan XL telah menunjukkan keminatan mereka dalam menyongsong kedatangan LTE, selain itu team proyek LTE ini telah menyiapkan desain antena khusus dan bakal di luncurkan tahun depan.

LTE didefinisikan dalam standar 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) Release 8 dan juga merupakan evolusi teknologi 1xEV-DO sebagai bagian dari roadmap standar 3GPP2. Teknologi ini diklaim dirancang untuk menyediakan efisiensi spektrum yang lebih baik, peningkatan kapasitas radio, latency dan biaya operasional yang rendah bagi operator serta layanan mobile broadband kualitas tinggi untuk para pengguna.
Perubahan siginifikan dibandingkan standar sebelumnya meliputi 3 hal utama, yaitu air interface, jaringan radio serta jaringan core. Di masa mendatang, pengguna dijanjikan akan dapat melakukan download dan upload video high definition dan konten-konten media lainnya, mengakses e-mail dengan attachment besar serta bergabung dalam video conference dimanapun dan kapanpun.
LTE juga secara dramatis menambah kemampuan jaringan untuk mengoperasikan fitur Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS), bagian dari 3GPP Release 6, dimana kemampuan yang ditawarkan dapat sebanding dengan DVB-H dan WiMAX.
LTE dapat beroperasi pada salah satu pita spektrum seluler yang telah dialokasikan yang termasuk dalam standar IMT-2000 (450, 850, 900, 1800, 1900, 2100 MHz) maupun pada pita spektrum yang baru seperti 700 MHz dan 2,5 GHz.

Dengan LTE anda akan dimanjakan melalui menonton film HD diinternet, mendengarkan music, video online streaming, dan download data super cepat. dibawah ini saya tunjukkan perbadingan kecepatan maksimum Download stream teknologi LTE dibanding yang ada saat ini.

* GSM ———————->> 14,4 Kbps
* GPRS ———————>> 170 Kbps
* UMTS ——————–>> 384 Kbps
* 3G ————————>> 7,2 Mbps
* 3,75G ——————->> 84 Mbps
* LTE ———————->> 300 Mbps

Sepertinya beberapa saat lagi kita akan lebih suka langsung mendownload data dari server internet dari pada mengkopi data melalui port USB 2.0

May 3, 2011


Data Analyst

PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia is a multinational company with over 7,500 employees in Indonesia. Our people are our keys to success. As an employer of choice, we are committed to developing skills and providing opportunities for all employees. Our business provides integrated mining and construction services in civil, process facilities, oil & gas and mining across Indonesia.
With continued growth we are seeking additional experience resource that will be located in Sangatta Mine Project, East Kalimantan as a Data Analyst.
Reporting to the Data Management Group Supervisor, you will have responsibilities to optimize component life through the application of data trending and analyzing; download data from mobile equipment and create reports on condition and events to Operations and Maintenance departments in safety, timely and accurate manner; electronic monitoring and data logging of on board equipment systems for vital signs and irregularities; report and generate work orders for any prognostic (before failure) data from daily and weekly download; download and report events where irregularities occurred after component failure; assist in the development and implementation of true and accurate reports for Mining and Maintenance departments; perform other duties as required by Plant / Planning Supt.
To be successful in this role you will need to have a Technical School with Computer Experience or Mechanical Engineering degree is preferable; has qualification and experienced Heavy Equipment Mechanics with strong computer and analytical skills; 2 years experience in similar role; information monitoring and data collection; light vehicle driving ability; good communication in English as well Bahasa.
Competitive salary and benefits will be offered to the right candidate.
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Mar 26, 2011


Indonesia siap menjadi daerah relokasi pabrik otomotif Jepang. Hal tersebut disampaikan pengurus Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor (Gaikindo) di Jakarta, Jumat (24/3) siang.

Gaikindo mengaku siap jika upaya perbaikan fasilitas produksi Jepang tidak memungkinkan dalam waktu dekat. mereka juga menilai jika relokasi berlangsung, maka pelaku otomotif nasional akan memanfaarkan kandungan lokal. Selain itu, relokasi dapat dilakukan dengan memidahkan mesin dari Jepang ke Indonesia. Hal itu dinilai efisien bagi produsen kendaraan.

Pesatnya pertumbuhan pasar kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia dan Asean menjadi pemicu kesiapan Indonesia. Namun, Hinga kini, rencana restart pabrik otomotif di Jepang masih terkendala. Gangguan produksi telah mempengaruhi pasokan ke Eropa dan Amerika Serikat. Sementara di Indonesia, Gaikindo mengaku kegiatan produksi mobil masih aman higgga bulan depan.

Sumber : www.metrotvnews.com

Feb 20, 2011

BlackBerry Playbook

BlackBerry PlayBook merupakan produk terbaru dari RIM sang produsen Blackberry, Harga BlackBerry PlayBook di Indonesia sendiri belum diketahui, akan tetapi untuk spesifikasi nya BB yang rencananya untuk memberikan saingan buat ipad buatan apple ini bisa kita ketahui.
Harga BlackBerry PlayBook, Spesifikasi BlackBerry PlayBook
Berikut adalah beberapa fitur BlackBerry PlayBook yang telah diungkap oleh RIM dalam Developer Conference 2010 (DevCon10) di San Francisco, Selasa (28/9/2010) dini hari WIB.

Dari sisi softwarenya, PlayBook akan menggunakan sistem operasi BlackBerry Tablet OS berdasarkan arsitektur micro-kernel QNX Neutrino. Neutrino telah banyak digunakan pada perangkat kesehatan, otomotif hingga router internet.

Software PlayBook mendukung Flash 10.1, WebKit dan HTML 5, OpenGL (untuk grafis 3D seperti pada game), Adobe Mobile AIR, Adobe Reader, Java, POSIX dan BlackBerry WebWorks.

Media yang bisa diputar di PlayBook termasuk video hingga resolusi 1080p High Definition. Formatnya, mencakup H.264, MPEG, DivX dan WMV. Sedangkan audionya mencakup MP3, AAC dan WMA.

Spesifikasi BlackBerry PlayBook selangkapnya:
  • Layar sentuh capacitive LCD berukuran 7" WSVGA dengan resolusi 1024 x 600
  • Dukungan penuh pada multi touch dan gesture
  • Prosesor 1 GHz Dual CoreRAM 1 GB
  • Kamera High Definition 3 Megapixel (depan) dan 5 Megapixel (belakang)
  • Kamera bisa merekam video hingga resolusi 1080p HD
  • HDMI Output (microHDMI)
  • WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n dan Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR
  • Konektor microUSB
  • Ukuran 130mm x 193mm x 10mm
  • Berat sekitar 400 gram
Kita tunggu saja Secepatnya Kehadiran BlackBerry PlayBook di Indonesia,bocoran harga dikisaran $500 - $1.000.

Jan 28, 2011

Mantan Pemain Timnas Inggris Hijrah ke LPI

Lee Hendrie ke Bandung FC ternyata tidak hanya menyita perhatian media di Indonesia. Keputusan mantan bintang Aston Villa dan juga pernah membela Timnas Inggris ini juga menjadi pemberitaan di Inggris sana.
Hendrie yang memperkuat Villa di pertengahan 1990-an menandatangani kontrak dua tahun dengan Bandung. Pemain berumur 33 tahun ini diharapkan sudah bisa bermain di Liga Primer Indonesia (LPI) akhir pekan ini. Mengoleksi satu cap bersama Inggris, Hendrie kemudian dilepas Bradford City yang berkompetisi di divisi tiga Inggris.
Saya bangga mendapatkan kesempatan ini, kata Hendrie yang belum pernah bermain di luar Inggris. Tak cuma Hendrie dan Bandung, Daily Mail yang merupakan salah satu harian terpandang di Inggris juga mengupas tentang LPI.
Belum tahu tentang carut marutnya sepakbola di negeri ini memang, tapi setidaknya warga Inggris jadi tahu LPI merupakan liga alternatif di Indonesia. Daily Mail juga mengupas tentang keberadaan LPI sebagai liga profesional yang didukung Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga, namun ditentang PSSI selaku asosiasi sepakbola Tanah Air.
Keberadaan LPI sebagai liga reformasi juga diulas dan diimbuhi dukungan raja minyak Arifin Panigoro. Yang lebih menarik, Daily Mail mengakui masyarakat Indonesia yang gila bola meski peringkat tim nasionalnya hanya berada di urutan 126 dalam peringkat FIFA.
Liga sepakbola di negara kepulauan ini pernah diramaikan Mario Kempes dan Roger Milla juga menjadi kredit tersendiri. Semoga saja persepakbolaan Tanah Air bisa menyita perhatian dunia. Tentunya warta positif dan mengharumkan nama bangsa. Amiiin....
Sumber : id.news.yahoo.com

Jan 11, 2011


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